Escape the everyday. Today.

60 minutes of complete peace

What is floating?

Floating is an unusual way of reducing stress and attaining complete relaxation, which has been known in the world since the middle of the last century. Although everyone experiences a slightly different feeling during this type of therapy, for almost everyone it is an unusual and unforgettable trip to somewhere far away from the ordinary.

By removing your thoughts from the everyday worries, floating reduces the amount of stress and anxiety by replacing it with improvements in your sleep quality and general health.

It is a way to "restart" your body and mind, accumulating new physical and mental energy.

Floating is a revolutionary form of therapy that combines physical and mental therapy. It is a place where each of us can forget the chaos of the outside world to reconnect with our inner world.

But what exactly is floating?

Floating is laying horizontally onto dense water in a specially equipped, light and sound-proof flotation tank. The environment of the floating tank is designed so that no senses would prevent us from exploring the world of our inner thoughts and feelings and completely relaxing the body.

Thanks to the saturation of Epsom salt (a combination of magnesium, sulphur and oxygen), our body is able to swim freely in the ~30 cm of shallow water without any effort.

The increased density allows the human head to be in a comfortable position, while the rest of the body relaxes while being partially immersed in water that has a temperature that corresponds to the temperature of your skin. The daily gravitational load and the absence of other external factors allows you to achieve complete physical and mental relaxation.

Why Epsom salt?

Epsom salt has been used as a universal remedy for years. Its saturation in water in combination with the environment created by the floating tank is an effective means of reducing stress, anxiety, depression and muscle tension.

To understand why these specific conditions are created in a floating tank, it is valuable to understand the origins of floating. For many, the first impression of floating is related to the inventions of the New World, but the origins of floating can be traced back to 1954, when the American neuropsychiatrist John C. Lilly began an in-depth study of the effects of sensory deprivation on our brains. As a result of this process, the neuropsychiatrist developed a special floating chamber.

The basic design of today's floating tanks is similar to the original. It is designed to provide an environment without any external stimuli. You can experience the room in a floating tank without:

* sounds;

* visual;

* smells;

* touch;

* taste;

* feeling of warmth;

* feelings of gravity.

Creating such an environment helps the human body to float freely, getting rid of feelings of heaviness and other physical stimuli. The effects of the environmental conditions, which are offered by floating, on our brains contribute to the attainment of a basic meditative state of consciousness.

As we know, our brains operate on five different frequencies. Under the influence of floating, our brain waves naturally decrease to the frequency of theta waves. This frequency of brain waves corresponds to a very relaxed and meditative state that we usually experience at the time before falling asleep and after waking up.

Although floating may seem functionally complex, it is actually a very simple and safe process. Floating tanks are primarily used for complete relaxation, recovering energy and mental clarity.

What are the benefits of floating?

It has long been known that the stress caused by the daily rush and our worries contributes to inflammatory processes in our body. Floating therapy provides an opportunity to reduce or even get rid of this stress, creating peace and clarity.

Floating helps to unleash our potential in a variety of ways. The stimulus-free environment allows you to relax and forget about the daily rush, initiating a series of healing processes in the body. Meanwhile, our inner self also enjoys complete peace. Several theories also suggest that high concentrations of magnesium in water can heal the body in several ways.

The most important benefits of a floating session are:

* Complete relaxation of the body;

* Stress reduction;

* IImproved nervous system function and sleep;

* Improving athletic performance;

* Detox of the body;

* Promoting a sense of happiness;

* Floating for meditation;

* Promoting creativity.

Let's look at what processes contribute to the various benefits of floating therapy.

Complete relaxation of the body

The combined effect of the dense water and weightlessness creates particularly favourable conditions for complete relaxation of the body. Epsom salt makes water silky, soft and pleasantly dense.

The water’s temperature and loss of gravity also help our muscles to relax completely. As a result, even within one hour of swimming, muscle stiffness and sensitivity are significantly reduced, as well as the overall well-being of the body is improved.

Due to the above-mentioned properties, many have been able to reduce both the symptoms of chronic pain and muscle discomfort in their lower back, neck area and other regions.

Stress reduction

One of the biggest benefits of floating therapy is felt in our minds. The lack of external stimuli in the floating tank contributes to the natural decrease in the frequency of brain waves. This condition of the brain allows the body to leave a state of acute stress

The long-term stress caused by the hurry and worries in your daily life does not allow the body to leave this increased state of arousal. As a result, a person's heart rate and blood pressure are constantly elevated. Also the blood flow to some organs (stomach, intestinal tract, etc.) decreases, while other organs (brain, lungs, etc.) are supplied with extra blood.

Needless to say that the human body is unable to function in this mode for a long time without any complications. As a result of floating therapy, we allow our body to relax and leave this state of stress

This type of physical and mental rest significantly reduces the presence of cortisol or the stress hormone in the body. Consequently, regular floating can help us feel happier and even reduce depression.

Improved nervous system performance and sleep

As tension and stress decrease, the nervous and muscular systems begin to recover. Regular floating sessions can help reduce stress hormones in the long run, thus improving both our emotional balance and sleep.

The saturation of magnesium in the water can promote its absorption into the body. Magnesium is able to increase the activity of brain neurotransmitters, which are responsible for initiating sleep and reducing stress. Magnesium also stimulates the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and reduces the over-activity of the nervous system.

Improving athletic performance

Floating therapy is often used as a method of muscle regeneration after a heavy workout. By removing pressure from the joints, ligaments and tendons, the muscles enter into an enhanced state of regeneration. In turn, magnesium promotes the process of muscle regeneration by reducing the lactic acid in them.

Another significant benefit of floating therapy was observed in a study performed by the University of Northern Illinois. Under the influence of floating therapy, athletes with acquired micro-traumas and an increased feeling of pain experienced a reduction in pain, which lasted from a few hours to several months.

Detox of the body

Epsom salt, which is used in the water of the floating tank, is widely used in the fields of medicine and beauty due to its high concentration of magnesium sulfate. The magnesium and sulphur it contains are natural minerals that cleanse the human body and perform several other important functions.

Magnesium strengthens the heart and kidneys, regulates the metabolism, as well as the levels of calcium, phosphorus and potassium in the blood. In turn, sulphur is important in the detoxification process of the body, as well as in the formation of amino acids that are so necessary for our body. It also has beneficial effects on the connective tissue, skin, hair and nails, as well as it helps to synthesize collagen and regulate the levels of vitamin B in the blood.

Promoting a sense of happiness

The chemical changes that occur in our body during floating therapy help to balance our emotional state. Negative emotions such as anxiety, worry, fear and stress are replaced by positive emotions such as confidence, contentment and happiness.

This phenomenon can be explained by the decrease in the levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol in our blood. Although these hormones are useful for making optimal decisions in stressful situations, their increased concentration causes our heart rate to accelerate, raises blood pressure, and stimulates our body to produce extra sugar for energy.

The resting state of theta brain waves, which is naturally achieved during floating, contributes to the increase of dopamine and endorphin concentrations. These hormones are especially important for our well-being. Dopamine is a hormone that makes you feel happy. Endorphins, on the other hand, are natural opiates that help us cope with the daily stress and reduce fear and pain.

Floating for meditation

Many of the above-mentioned benefits of a floating session are essential prerequisites for successful relaxation of the mind or meditation.

During meditation, the higher frequency alpha and beta waves are replaced by the lower frequency theta waves, providing inner peace. This basic state of consciousness in your brain is usually the basis of yoga and meditation and has been used for gaining self-awareness for hundreds of years.

The environment that is created during floating naturally stimulates the reduction of the brain waves’ frequency to the theta waves’ frequency. In this way, we get a form of meditation that can provide equally significant benefits in a shorter period of time.

The frequency of theta waves in our brain marks an indefinite boundary between consciousness and the subconscious. Therefore, it is believed that the conscious and long-term achievement of the theta frequency helps to change beliefs, behaviours and attitudes.

Promoting creativity

Many people like to use the mental stimulation from the environment that is created during floating therapy to solve various problems and issues.

During a floating session, the impulses that occupy the right hemisphere of the brain are reduced. As a result, our verbal and analytical parts of the brain enter a relaxed state.

This allows our creative part of the brain (the left hemisphere) to function in an elevated state. As the analytical mind is still functioning, a reasonable harmony is achieved between the two halfves of the brain.

This phenomenon can explain why many are able to reach unprecedented mental capacity during a floating session. This state of mind often plays an important role in understanding new concepts and generating innovative ideas. This state of the brain is also useful for preparing for an important presentation or making a decision about an important life event.

How does the flouting session work?

Before going to a floating session, remember that floating will help you relax from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. To get the most out of it, it is advisable to take care of your well-being before the visit.

The easiest way to take care of your well-being before the floating session is to drink enough water and eat a healthy diet. These simple things most often allow you to get the most out of floating.

Our salon will provide you with both clean towels and other shower accessories, so you only need to bring things that you will need (for example, swimwear, a comb, slippers for the shower, etc.).

Upon arrival to the flouting session, our staff will introduce you to the flouting process and tell you everything they need about safety and hygiene.

It is the most comfortable to swim without a swimsuit, but the choice remains up to you.

A unique experience in a floatation tank

The floaty salon is equipped with two, newest generation flouting capsules.

During the first half of an hour of floating, your body will begin to relax physically. You may feel a slight tingling sensation during this process. In the second half of the session, your brain will experience the transition from alpha and beta to theta brain waves. Floating allows you to stay in this state for a long time without losing consciousness.

While your body enjoys complete relaxation during the floating session, your mind can go on both passive and active adventures.

If this is your first floating experience, we recommend scheduling three floating sessions with an interval of about 1 to 4 weeks between them. In this way, you will allow your body and mind to fully get acquainted with the process and fully enjoy all the benefits of floating.

How often should I float?

The number of floating sessions depends on the desired result.

Although floating can be done daily, it has been shown that the positive effects of floating last for more than 24 hours. It would be advisable to start with at least three floating sessions. It is often the third session that brings the greatest positive benefits.

In a 2014 study, researchers found statistically significant benefits in reducing longterm stress, anxiety, depression, and acute pain after a seven-week floating therapy program with twelve floating sessions. After the implementation of such a floating program, a significant improvement in optimism, sleep quality and selfconfidence was observed.

Safety and hygiene during floating

Safety is an essential part of any therapy session. When attending floating therapy, each visitor is informed about safety during the floating sessions.

Floutings is not recommended for people with the following conditions:

* Epilepsy;

* Kidney disease;

* Low blood pressure;

* Any contagious disease;

* Open wounds or ulcers;

* Asthma;

* Sensitivity to chlorine, bromine, sulphate or magnesium;

* Severe skin diseases.

The design of the floating tanks is created to ensure maximum safety. For added safety, the floating tanks are equipped with an alarm button. In case you start to feel uncomfortable during floating, the lid of the floating tank opens with a light push.

Floating tanks are equipped with several safety systems. One of them is a passive air circulation system, which ensures the air exchange in the tank. While taking care of hygiene, our floating tanks are equipped with several filtration and disinfection systems.

The water filtration system in the tank ensures complete water purification for maximum hygiene. In turn, taking care of cleaning from microorganisms, the water in the tank is filtered through a UV disinfection device. All tank surfaces are disinfected as well.

Apply to Flouting TODAY!

Our address:

Brivibas Street 76
(entrance from Stabu Street)
Riga, LV-1001

Phone: +371 280 77 666

Monday - Sunday
from 10:30 to 21:00